Ankle Brace

Ankle Brace

This brace makes your life much easier following an ankle injury

An ankle brace is a band worn around the ankle to protect the joint and provide immobilization. It also helps in healing from sprains and other injuries. These use the mechanism of providing heat and compression. Ankle supports are also used for rehabilitation of the injured ankles.

Ankle sprains are caused due to loss of stabilizing ligaments near the ankle on either side. During the sprain, the ankle twists inwards which give rise to an outer ankle sprain. Other types of sprain which involves twisting of the ankle inwards. The twisting of ankle results in pain and swelling, and depending on the severity you may not be able to put weight on the ankle or walk normally.

The symptoms of ankle sprains include

  • Pain, especially when you bear weight on the affected foot
  • Tenderness when you touch the ankle
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Restricted range of motion
  • Instability in the ankle
  • Popping sensation or sound at the time of injury

Rehabilitation of ankle is important to restore normal range of motion and strengthen the ankle to reduce the likelihood of re-injury.

The Sprains are classified into 3 degrees. Mild, Moderate and Severe. Each degree grade has its own symptoms and treatments. The most common treatment includes usage of ankle support. It provides compression to the injury.


  • Provides compression to the injured ankle
  • Reduces swelling and pain
  • Immobilization to the ankle
  • Quick healing of the sprain
  • Prevention from further destroying
  • Helps in the rehabilitation of the injured ankle.

Types of ankle braces


Lace-up braces are the semi-rigid type of braces. They are made up of nylon-vinyl material. The advantage of this brace it can be customized according to the need.  The semi-rigid structure allows for more flexibility than a rigid brace. A lace-up brace can be used as a prevention to the ankle.


Post-injury braces are very non-flexible braces. They are either air-filled or gel-filled with two plastic panels that contour each side of the leg. They do not allow the wearer to be functional. This pushout the swelling and prevent twisting of the ankle.


Rigid braces come in two different types, stirrup or lace-up. These braces can be used in combination with the rehabilitation of an injury. Stirrup braces help the ankle to move in desirable directions and protect the ankle from rolling in or out. This brace has a high level of protection and is commonly used in sports which has a lot of jumping activities involved. The lace-up brace has two plastic inserts on each side of the ankle to prevent twisting.


  • Straps allow easy breathing space to the covered area
  • Durable
  • Comfortable to use
  • Non-allergic materials used

Frequently Ask Questions

1. Can you wear the brace the whole day?

A Matter of Days or Weeks. Depending on the severity of your injury, you will typically wear a brace anywhere from 10 days to six weeks. You should continue to wear the brace as long as you experience swelling, pain or instability in the ankle. You can wear it over your socks

2. Do the brace weaken the ankle?

There is no evidence that suggests that ankle bracing weakens the ankle. Our ankle braces are not engineered to be so restrictive that the ankle cannot function on its own. … You can still injure your ankle while wearing braces, but the injury will be far less serious than if you did not have a brace on.

3. How tight to wrap your ankle?

Pull the bandage diagonally from the bottom of the toes across the foot’s top and circle it around the ankle. The wrap should be snug but should not cut off circulation to the foot. Check your toes. If they become purplish or blue, cool to the touch, or numb or tingly, the wrap is too tight and should be loosened.

4. What does the brace do?

The type of ankle brace you require depends on the severity of the injury. Mild or Lightweight Ankle Braces are for those who have experienced a First Degree Sprain or mild strain. Moderate supports can also be used as a preventative brace to help avoid injuries.

5. Does wearing brace affect the performance in the game?

Ankle braces help prevent injury by restricting motion, but those restrictions don’t necessarily result in negative effects on athletic performance. Evidence suggests that while agility may be affected with the use of an ankle brace, vertical jump and balance skills may not.

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