Abdominal Belt/Binder In Hyderabad

Abdominal binder belt

Abdominal binder belt

An abdominal binder is fitted elastic material that goes around your abdomen. It may be used to support your muscles. It also keeps bandages in place or helps incisions heal after abdominal or pelvic surgery.

Functions of an abdominal binder

  • Provides compression and support to both the upper and lower abdomen
  • Helps to improve blood circulation and oxygen levels at the operative site
  • Increases healing and reduce swelling
  • Improves breathing and promotes the healing process and a speedy recovery
  • Treats different health-related issues, such as abdominal hernia reduction, bariatric support, flattening or smoothing of the abdomen, etc.
  • Abdominal binder provides a tighter and more precise fit.

Benefits of Abdominal belt:

  • The belt helps in postoperative mobility, security feeling and comfort for the patient.
  • It gives pressure to the abdominal muscles which reduce pain during increased internal abdominal pressures when coughing, sneezing and straining.
  • It also stimulates to have a better posture which improves breathing
  • Has important accessories to secure safe line and device organization when patients mobilize.
  • Post surgery using this belt improves the quality of life of the patient.

Types of Abdominal belts used:

Post surgery
This will help to heal constantly and avoid re-injury. The purpose to reduce the pain in lower back to minimum

During or after the pregnancy
After the C section, the women tend to lose her back stability. Wearing the belt helps in good support to the back. At the beginning of pregnancy, the belt helps in assistance to the lower back as it is involved in lifting the weight of the newborn baby.

During the last trimester, women’s body releases a hormone relaxin which relaxes also the muscles near the abdomen and the hips. The belt is used then to provide balance to the lower region which is relaxed. The abdomen binder helps in lifting up the abdomen which decreases the chances of genital symphysis(infections in the lower area).

Abdominal hernias
Before the surgery, the doctors prescribe to use the belt.

Uses of an abdominal belt

  • a caesarean section
  • bariatric surgery
  • an exploratory laparotomy
  • a hysterectomy
  • a tummy tuck
  • spinal surgery
  • support the abdomen
  • maintain abdominal pressure
  • improve respiratory function

Features of an abdominal belt :

  • Elastic breathable
  • Fabric belt with ventilation at the belly area
  • Closes with hook & loop
  • Recommended for summer
  • Post surgery use, Prevention
  • Available in different sizes


How do I use an abdominal binder?
Place your abdominal binder around your abdomen. Fasten the 2 sides of your abdominal binder as directed. If you had a C-section, your healthcare provider may tell you to begin at the top and fasten down.
Make sure the abdominal binder fits comfortably. It should be snug but not too tight. Adjust it as needed. Make sure that you can breathe normally and go to the bathroom. Make sure any tubes or drains are not pinched and fluids can empty.

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