Digital Thermometer In Hyderabad

Digital Thermometer

It is a device that helps in measuring body temperature. The digital thermometers consist of resistive thermal devices (RTD) which help in predicting changes in temperature by means of electrical resistance.

How is the Digital Thermometer used?

The digital thermometer can be used in three ways

1. Orally (In the mouth)

2. Rectal (In the rectum)

3. Axillary (Underarms)

With using this thermometer one can get faster and accurate readings. These thermometers are available in various sizes and shapes.

Both oral and rectal thermometers should be used differently for the readings. They should be labeled separately either Rectal or Oral and should be used respectively.

One should read and follow the instruction manual before using any kind of thermometers.

Steps in using a Digital Thermometer

1. Firstly hands should be washed properly with soap.

2. The thermometer should be cleaned with water or rubbing alcohol and rinsed again with water.

3. One should not eat or drink anything before taking the temperature.

4. Set the thermometer either on degree Fahrenheit or degree Celsius.

5. The thermometer should be placed below the tongue and at the same time, the mouth should be closed.

6. The thermometer should be kept in the same position for around 40 seconds.

7. The reading increases with the temperature flashing on the display.

8. It then makes a beeping sound when the final reading is reached.

9. Rinse the thermometer again once its use is over.

One should contact the physician if the temperature is higher than 38 degree Celsius.

Parts of a Digital Thermometer

1. Display: It consists of an LCD screen which displays the reading of the body temperature in degree Celsius or in degree Fahrenheit. It is rectangular in shape with 15.5mm long and 6.5mm wide.

2. Beep Alarm: This helps in recording the body temperature; this is the point where the final reading is displayed on the screen.

3. Cap: There is a cap at the top of the thermometer which is bright in color and is made up of hard plastic but smooth in touch. This cap guards the battery against the external environment.

4. Battery: The battery that is used in this thermometer is called as a Button Cell. It is silver in color and made up of metal.

5. Body: The body of this thermometer is made up of slightly hard plastic which is a little less hard than the one used for the cap. It is 100.55mm long. The display screen, electronic circuit, and the power button are the parts which are in placed insides this body.

6. Push Button: This is used to switch on and switch off the thermometer.

7. Circuit: The circuit that is housed in the body of the thermometer is made up of a microcontroller along with some other components such as the resistors, capacitors, sensors, switch and the buzzer. The microcontroller converts the analog value to digital form and further displays it on the screen.

8. Tip: the most important part of the digital thermometer is its Tip. The tip is one which comes in contact with the body part to measure the body temperature. This tip consists of a thermistor which is a ceramic semiconductor with which the resistance changes when there is any change in temperature. The temperature is detected when the output voltage changes due to a change in resistance value.

Uses of Digital Thermometer

1. At home and hospitals for measuring body temperature

2. In the manufacturing industry.

3. In the food industry to measure the temperature of the food and confectionaries.

Advantages of a Digital Thermometer

1. Easier to read than the traditional mercury thermometers.

2. Faster and accurate reading within seconds.

3. Clear digital display with readings in decimals.

4. Similar in pricing as like the normal mercury thermometer.

5. Along with a display of temperature, these also have some other features like alarms and timers and can be used for different other purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is used in the digital thermometer?

Digital thermometers do not have mercury in it. Thermistors are used which are placed near the tip of the thermometer. This thermistor converts body temperature into electrical signals and the reading is displayed on the thermometer screen.

2. How do I know whether my digital thermometer is accurate?

Take ice-cold water in a glass and stir. Now wait for about 3 minutes and then insert the sensor of the thermometer in this ice-filled water and then let it remain in the water for 30 seconds. Later check if the thermometer reads 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If it does read this then it’s accurate but if it doesn’t then the thermometer needs calibration.

3. What is the most accurate way to take the temperature?

The most common way of taking the temperature is the oral one. But the rectal temperature reading shows reading on a higher side than the oral. The armpit temperature reading is little on the lower side than the oral. Hence, the most accurate reading is rectal.

4. What time of the day the body temperature is the highest?

Our body temperature is fluctuating as it follows a Circadian rhythm. It is said that that the body temperature is low early morning at 4.00 am and is highest in the late afternoon.

5. What temperature is considered normal?

The average normal body temperature is 37 degree Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). The temperature that goes beyond 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degree Celsius) is mostly considered as high and means that the person is having a fever.

Where to buy Digital Thermometers?

Digital Thermometers are available in Hyderabad at:

TrueCare Surgicals (Store 1)

Address: H.No 1-100, G2, Hitech City Main Road, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081.

TrueCare Surgicals (Store 2)

Address: Nizampet X Road, Near Sri Holistic Hospital, Behind Vasireddy Swagruha foods, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072.

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